
2014年に設立されたCogent Labsは、知的労働の自動化を通じて人々の仕事と生活の質を向上させるための革新的なソリューションを提供することを目指しています。



職務概要 :


 1. 採用活動の全体管理
 2. 従業員エンゲージメント活動のリード

職務詳細 :


  • 人財データベース、エージェント、リファラルなど様々な採用チャネルを活用し、グローバルに優秀な人財を確保する
  • 目標・KPIの設定、採用ニーズの把握、ジョブディスクリプションの作成、面接プロセスの確立、オファー提案と社内決裁、候補者との採用条件調整、入社手続きなど、採用プロセス全体の有効性と効率性を管理する
  • 採用充足率、採用スピード、採用成功率(効率)、採用予算効率などのプロセスパフォーマンスをモニターし、シニア人事マネージャーに改善提案を行う


  • Cogentの中長期ビジョン、CultureとValuesに基づき、人事部門がCogentのCultureとValuesを現場でどのように浸透させるかを定義する
  • 従業員エンゲージメント、退職率等の現状を把握し、従業員エンゲージメントを向上させ、ミッションにコミットしたチームを構築すための計画を策定する。
  • マネジメントとエンゲージメントの現状を確認し、会社レベルおよび部署の現場レベルで従業員エンゲージメントを向上させるための方策について話し合う。
  • 従業員エンゲージメント活動の管理とフォロー

必要な資格やスキル :


  • ハイテク業界または一般的なテクノロジーがキードライバーとなっている業界での人事採用スタッフとしての4-5年の実務経験
  • MSオフィスツール/GoogleワークスペースとATS(採用活動管理ツール)の中~上級レベルのスキル
  • ビジネス英語コミュニケーション能力


  • 労働法に関する知識
  • 従業員エンゲージメントのプロセスの経験1~2年
  • 報酬・福利厚生の経験

求める人物像 :

  • コージェントのビジョン、ミッションに共感し、行動できる方
  • チームとして協力し合いながら、常に最難関の目標にチャレンジできる方
  • 他者に対して誠実で、感謝の心と敬意を持ち、謙虚にふるまえる方
  • 何事も自分事として捉え、細部にまでこだわりながら、期日内に業務を完了する方
  • 昨日よりも今日、今日よりも明日をよくする、という強い成長意欲をもち行動に移している方
  • 事実と意見の区別をしながら正確にコミュニケーションをとり、積極的にオープンに情報を共有、吸収する方
  • 他者からのフィードバックを前向きに受け止め、他者に対しても相手のことを思って建設的なフィードバックができる方

About Cogent

Founded in 2014, Cogent Labs is devoted to providing innovative solutions to real-world problems in order to improve people’s quality of work and life through intelligent automation.

We believe achieving this goal requires a deep understanding of customers' needs and practices in order to build products that can leverage the power of custom AI models through a carefully crafted UI and UX. Our main product is SmartRead, a generic and versatile solution for automating digital and analog document processing for a wide range of businesses.

Headquartered in Tokyo, we are a diverse company with international members from 20 different countries. We are looking for exceptional talent with deep domain expertise that are eager to work with our team on crafting and delivering unique value to our customers.

Job Summary :

For a Senior HRGA Staff, we are looking for an enthusiastic professional who can own recruiting activity end-to-end, and can build mechanisms to develop those talents to constantly grow within Cogent so they can become an excellent leader and contributor in the company. In summary, you will contribute to the following mission:

  1. Manage recruiting activities end to end
  2. Lead employee engagement activities

Responsibilities and duties :

 In order to accomplish the above mission, we expect the candidate to lead the following activities.

  • Recruiting
    • Leveraging various recruiting channels such as job boards, talent database, agents, referrals, source best talents the company can find globally
    • Manage entire recruiting process’ effectiveness and efficiency including definition of goals & KPIs, hiring needs identification, Job Description development, interview process establishment, offer proposal and internal decision, negotiation with candidates, onboarding
    • Monitor process performance such as fill rate, speed of hiring, screening yield (efficiency), hiring budget efficiency etc., and propose improvement to senior HR manager
  • Employee Engagement
    • Based on Cogent’s mid-long term vision, Culture and Values, define how HR can foster and instill Cogent’s Culture and Values at the frontline level
    • Understand the current employee engagement, voluntary attrition status and define the plan to enhance employee engagement which leads to the committed, mission driven team
    • Review the situation with senior management team, discuss measures to improve employee engagement at both company level and department level
    • Manage and follow through employee engagement activities.

Qualifications and skills:


  • 4-5 years of work experience as an HR recruiting staff in tech industry or generally technology driven industry
  • Advanced level proficiency with MS Office tools/Google workspace and ATS (recruiting activity management tool)
  • Business English communication skills

<Nice to have>

  • Knowledge of labor laws
  • 1-2 years of experience in employee engagement process
  • Experience in compensation & benefits

Mindset that ideal candidate has

  • A person who shares Cogent's vision and mission, and is able to take action for them.
  • A person able to work together as a team to achieve the most challenging goals.
  • A person with integrity, gratitude, respect and humility toward others.
  • A person who sees everything as his or her own, pays attention to details, and completes tasks on time.
  • A person with a strong desire to grow and take action to make today better than yesterday and tomorrow better than today.
  • A person who communicates accurately and precisely, distinguishing between fact and opinion, and actively and openly shares and absorbs information.
  • A person who accepts feedback from others in a positive manner and is able to provide constructive feedback to others with good intent.